Union Ridge Elementary
\r\nPrincipal – Kelly Macdonald
\r\nAssistant Principal – Brian Heim
\r\n330 N. 5th Ave, Ridgefield, WA 98642
\r\nPhone (360) 750-7600 FAX (360) 750-7659
\r\nSeptember 14, 2018
\r\nDear Parents/Guardians,
\r\nThe 2018-2019 school year is off and running! The students were greeted by a staff who are eager and excited to start the wonderful journey of learning with your student. Our goal is to provide a safe, nurturing classroom community where students can take risks and grow. We are so excited the students are back!
\r\nSecurity Upgrades - Change to entrance into the buildings for AM drop off
\r\nI am sure you have seen the new security upgrades. This is a wonderful new addition to Union Ridge; however, as with all new things comes new procedures. To ensure continued safety, there will be some changes in how we enter the school for drop off of students in the morning. There will be three points of entry: the front entrance of building A, the front of building B (glass doors into the cafeteria) and the side doors of building B for those students getting off the buses. The gate between building A and building B will no longer be open to gain access into the back of gym A.
\r\nIf you are dropping off your student by car, and your student needs to go to building A gym, you can drop them off in front of building B and they can enter building B through the cafeteria doors to walk through building B and get into the back of gym A. Or they can gain access into the front of building A, if safe to do so. There will be signage and staffing to help guide students.
\r\nIf you are walking your student into building A, please park your car in the parking lot and use the crosswalk (by 5th) to access building A.
\r\nOnce inside of building A, you will need to say your goodbyes in the front office lobby area. Parents/guardians will no longer be allowed into the gym each morning.
\r\nAfter school pick-up
\r\nIf your student has been late getting home, I know the bus drivers have been figuring out new routes, and we are trying very carefully to make sure each student gets on the correct bus. The students are getting the hang of it, and our time to exit the school is speeding up. So you should see an improvement in the time your child gets home.
\r\nIf you wait for your students at the basketball area after school, please leave your pets at home.We want to make sure all students are safe. Thank you!
\r\nSmarter Balanced Assessment
\r\nThe smarter balanced assessment results from the spring testing period will be coming home with the fourth grade students today. If you have any questions about the results, please call me and I would be more than happy to explain the results to you.
\r\nA Change: From ROCKS to 3 R’s (Respect-Responsibility-Resilience)
\r\nFor the last two years, Union Ridge has focused our behavior program around ROCKS (respect, ownership, community, kindness and service). However, to join a district focus that would be continued through K-12th grade, we have now joined the district wide focus of respect, responsibility and resilience. Our school rules will be based on the 3 R’s, as well as all of our assemblies.
\r\nPTO Meeting - Tuesday, September 18th
\r\nAll are welcome to attend the PTO meeting. It will be located in the library in building A at
\r\n6:30 PM.
\r\nPie with the Principal and Special Education teachers - Thursday, September 20th
\r\nFor those who are new to Union Ridge Elementary, this is an evening for you to come and visit with the principal.This time will be available monthly. This year, I will be inviting a few teachers to join me each month. For September, I will be joined by a few special education teachers. This will be located in the library in building A at 7:00 PM.
\r\nSchool Pictures - Thursday, September 20th
\r\nNew Assistant Principal
\r\nI am please to welcome Mr. Brian Heim to the staff of Union Ridge Elementary School.
\r\nMr. Heim moved to us from South Ridge Elementary School and has brought a great source of knowledge and good humor. We are thrilled to have him!
\r\nI found a great quote I wanted to share with you:
\r\nBehind every young child who believes in himself is a parent
\r\n(or an adult) who believed first.
\r\nMatthew L. Jacobson
\r\nI added the words in parentheses to this quote. Whether you are a guardian, grandparent, foster parent, coach, scout leader or teacher, we are all working together to help our young people become respectful, responsible and resilient adults. Union Ridge humbly honors the partnership we share with you as we work to achieve this goal.
\r\nThank you,
\r\nKelly Macdonald, Principal