Child safety is our #1 priority! This new plan makes certain children enter and exit vehicles safely. Students are no longer allowed to walk through moving traffic or wait for someone without supervision. Please be patient as we ensure the safety of all our students!
Vehicles will enter the parking lot to form ONE lane along the sidewalk. Vehicles will pull forward all the way to the end of the sidewalk.
Students will exit vehicles from the passenger side only. Students may exit anywhere along the sidewalk from point B to point C.
Once students are safely on the sidewalk, vehicles may cautiously enter the second lane to the left and exit. Staff will be available to help shut doors if necessary. Drivers are not allowed to exit their vehicles.
Please note: The gate will not open until 8:45am MTTHF and 9:45am Wednesday.
Please do not allow your student out of your vehicle until the gate is open and staff has arrived at the dropoff area.
A Vehicles will enter the parking lot and form two lines beginning at the crosswalk B. Students will gather by grade level in section C.
Each vehicle will have a sign in the window with student(s) grade(s) and name(s). A staff member located at B will call out student grade level(s)/name(s) and cone number via walkie talkie to additional staff stationed with students waiting in section C.
Students will then proceed to their cone number and vehicles will alternate to form ONE line along the pickup lane (stripes on pavement with orange cones in numerical order). Vehicles will move forward to designated cone. Students will enter the passenger side of the vehicle only. If your student is not at the cone, vehicles must continue moving and re-enter the pickup process at point D (much like in the airport pickup lane).
Please Note: Kindergarten students are typically packed and ready when the bell rings and we try to get them to the waiting area as quickly as possible. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades typically work right up to the bell and therefore need more time to pack up and make their way to the pickup area. To help the line move as quickly as possible, please stagger your arrival time for the latest grade level you will be picking up.
We suggest Kindergarten arrive at 3:35, 1st grade 3:40, 2nd 3:45, 3rd and 4th at 3:50 to alleviate traffic back up on 199th.
Please remember that if your child is not at the cone when you arrive, you will be asked to move forward and re-enter the pick line to keep the line moving.
Parents, guardians and those approved to pickup students must hang this sign on the rearview mirror of your vehicle so that staff may read the grade(s) and student name(s).
Grade/name/cone number will be called out via walkie talkie to students waiting and students will proceed to their assigned cone along the sidewalk.
Drivers need to pay attention to the staff member reading the grade/name/cone. The staff member will indicate to the driver the cone number with hand signals (drivers can also have their window down to hear the cone number).
Drivers will slowly move forward in line until they reach their assigned cone. Students will enter the passenger side of the vehicle only - students must not cross between cars. Drivers are not allowed to exit their vehicles. Staff will be on hand to assist students if needed.
If students are NOT at the designated cone, drivers must exit the cone area, drive forward and reenter the line for pickup - much like the pickup line at the airport.
To help the line move as quickly as possible, please stagger your arrival time for the latest grade level you will be picking up.
Kindergarten students are typically packed and ready when the bell rings and we try to get them to the waiting area as quickly as possible. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades typically work right up to the bell and therefore need more time to pack up and make their way to the pickup area.
We suggest Kindergarten arrive at 3:35, 1st grade 3:40, 2nd 3:45, 3rd and 4th at 3:50 to alleviate traffic back up on 199th.
Please remember that if your child is not at the cone when you arrive, you will be asked to move forward and re-enter the pick line to keep the line moving.