Ridgefield High School cheerleaders are experts at raising team spirits.  So they came up with a fun way to entertain themselves while they were all stuck at home.  They started a game of yard sign tag—a safe, socially distanced game that sparked a lot of smiles.


The game started as a way for the cheerleaders to continue interacting socially while still observing safety protocols.  The team had two yard signs made, reading “Tag, You’re It!” with a picture of the Spudder mascot and polka dots in the school colors, blue and orange.  They played by circulating the signs from yard to yard among the varsity and junior varsity cheerleaders until everyone had been “tagged”.  \r\n


The game started just before winter break with cheerleading coaches, Alyssa Tomillo and Anja Felton.  The coaches and the Spudder mascot posed for a kickoff photo, then distributed the signs to the yards of the first two cheerleaders.  \r\n

Cheerleading coaches Alyssa Tomillo and Anja Felton kicked off the game of yard sign tag.

The Spudder mascot came to help with the first yard signs.

Each cheerleader who found a sign in their yard posted a pic on the Band app so others could see they had been tagged.  Then that person had to find a cheerleader who hadn’t been tagged yet, and get the sign to their yard.  The signs moved quickly from house to house, and the stream of photos got longer and longer.  They had a great time tracking the yard signs’ progress and sneaking into each other’s yards to post it for someone new.


“It was a fun way for us to work together as a team, even when we couldn’t be together in person,” Tomillo said.  The team enjoyed it so much they’re hoping the game continues with other groups.  So keep an eye out for more yard sign tag!\r\n

Rylie Simms showed she had been "tagged".

Grace Gama also posted on the "tagged" thread.