In-District Boundary application for students requesting a transfer between Union Ridge and South Ridge Elementary Schools or to Wisdom Ridge Academy for the 2025-26 school year will be accepted April 14th through May 1st and may not be reviewed until the first week of June. 2025-26 requests received after the May 1st deadline may be placed on a wait list to better determine space availability and a decision may not be made until late August.
Ongoing 2024-25 transfer requests received throughout the school year will be processed as they come in and will require approval before the transfer is completed. For students requesting to transfer to Wisdom Ridge Academy, you must attend an orientation prior to submitting the in-district transfer request. Orientation meetings for grades 9-12 are held on Mondays from 1:00pm-2:00pm and for grades K-8 on Wednesdays from 10:00am-11:00am. If those days/times don't work for you, you may call 360-295-8500 to schedule an appointment.
Formulario de transferencia dentro del distrito (Spanish Translation)
Форма перевода внутри округа (Russian Translation)
New students must register through their resident school prior to applying for an In-District Boundary Transfer.
Completed In-District forms will submit electronically. If you'd prefer a paper form please contact the Ridgefield Choice Coordinator by email at choicetransfers@ridgefieldsd.org or request a form in person at the RACC building located at 510 Pioneer Street in downtown Ridgefield between 7:30am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday.
Ridgefield and our surrounding school districts have changed our process to collect theses requests. You will need to submit your request to your resident district. Below is a link to surrounding district's Choice Transfer pages and the email to send the completed requests to.
If you reside in the Vancouver School District, please complete their Google form using this LINK. They will notify us electronically when a request is submitted.
All requests should be completed promptly as space is limited. You must renew your Choice Transfer every year. If your student will be attending their designated school next year or you have an address change and now reside in the district, please call or email your school's secretary to report the changes.
Completed choice transfer requests to transfer out of the Ridgefield School District will be submitted electronically using the link below:
If you are not able to complete this process electronically, please call Alma Martinez at 360-619-1309 or email choicetransfers@ridgefieldsd.org for further instructions.
For the current school year, requests will be processed as they are received. For 2024-25 requests, please allow up to 2 weeks to be submitted to your requested school district. Requests into Ridgefield School District will be processed within 45 days of submittal by your resident district.
Refer to the "Form Translation Instructions" in the first section of this page to translate any digital form to your primary language.
Si no puede rellenar el formulario electrónico, envíe un correo electrónico a alma.martinez@ridgefieldsd.org para recibir más instrucciones.
Если вы не можете заполнить электронную форму, пожалуйста, напишите по адресу alma.martinez@ridgefieldsd.org для получения дальнейших инструкций.
Якщо ви не можете заповнити електронну форму, будь ласка, напишіть на alma.martinez@ridgefieldsd.org для отримання подальших інструкцій.
2022 Map
Elementary school enrollment balancing map* (beginning start of the 2022-2023 school year)
*Please note that the area shaded in purple surrounded by the red/orange border are the attendance boundaries changing from Union Ridge to South Ridge elementary
Digital Intent Form
If you are unable to complete the electronic form, please email alma.martinez@ridgefieldsd.org for further instruction.
Residency Affidavit
If you are unable to complete the electronic form, please email alma.martinez@ridgefieldsd.org for further instruction.
Digital Withdrawal Form
If you are unable to complete the electronic form, please email alma.martinez@ridgefieldsd.org for further instruction.