The Ridgefield Early Learning Center is proud to announce Brynlee Emerick as our May Student of the Month. Brynlee has shown so much growth this year. She is so full of energy and always motivated to help her teachers and friends. She always has a smile on her face and greets her teachers and her peers every day with a big hug and a good morning wave, and always blows a kiss goodbye with a "see you tomorrow". Brynlee brings a ray of sunshine to our days! The pep in her step is contagious and much needed, and everyone should have the joy she has. Her peers are always excited to see her. The Early Learning Center staff love watching her engage with her peers. While she doesn't always have the words to express what she wants or how she's feeling, she certainly finds other ways to communicate. She is super funny and just such a pure joy to be around.

Celebrating May's student of the month
May 10, 2023