Addy truly exemplifies the 3 Rs here at South Ridge! She is extremely responsible as she always takes the time to do her very best on her school work and turns in everything in a timely fashion without ever rushing. Addy is resilient! She knows that her job at school is to be the best student and the best human she can possibly be. If she is ever unsure about a concept, she makes sure to ask questions until she can feel confident. When she makes a mistake, she sees it as an opportunity to learn, and she will analyze each and every error and is never afraid to explain to the class what she learned when she has missed something. Addy is also very respectful. She is truly a kind hearted, compassionate young lady. She comes into the classroom each day wearing a smile and is always cheerful and positive. Addy is a remarkable young lady who brightens the day for everyone who comes in contact with her. She is so deserving of Student of the Month!
Celebrating March's student of the month
March 15, 2023