Ridgefield School District understands the need for working parents to have child care during the hybrid school day.  \r\n


We will be offering a limited availability, child supervision care option starting March 8th (the start of the 3rd trimester) to support families who have children in the hybrid (in-person instruction) model in Grades K-4 at Union Ridge Elementary or South Ridge Elementary.\r\n


Students participating in this child care option will be required to wear a face mask and follow social distancing expectations per current hybrid requirements during the school day.  Transportation will be provided by KWRL at the regular arrival and at dismissal only.\r\n


Group A (attending in-person 9:05 am – 11:35 am) would have extended supervision from 11:35 am to 3:35 pm.\r\n


Group B (attending in-person 1:05 pm – 3:35 pm) would have extended supervision from 9:05 am to 1:05 pm.\r\n


We invite you to complete a survey for each child you would like to pre-register for this option.  Spaces are limited, and completing a survey does not guarantee an available spot.  A registration form will be sent to families to register once we know the need.  This survey will close on Monday, February 22, 2021.\r\n


\r\n Click on the following link to complete the survey in English:\r\n






Click on the following link to complete the survey in Spanish:\r\n






Click on the following link to complete the survey in Russian:\r\n






The 3rd Trimester Learning Model Survey for Grades K-6 is also open.  It seeks parent input regarding the preferred learning model for K-6 students for the 3rd trimester.  This survey closes on Friday, February 19 at 4:00 pm.  \r\n


To take this survey, click on any of the following links:\r\n


English – https://forms.gle/KFcqeKfncf9kRZVM9\r\n


Spanish – https://forms.gle/dHtAGhbu646cZ99o8\r\n


Russian - https://forms.gle/MXEmVta25GjhDUpN7\r\n