Collage of the May 2024 employee and students of the month

At its regular Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, May 14, the Ridgefield School District celebrated the employee and students of the month. Please join us in congratulating these deserving award recipients! 

Employee of the Month

Alix Parsons, 5th grade teacher at Sunset Ridge Intermediate School

Alix ParsonsAlix Parsons is not just an exceptional teacher, but also an esteemed colleague whose influence extends far beyond the classroom walls. Known for her adaptable 'go-with-the-flow' demeanor, Alix effortlessly navigates the challenges of teaching, inspiring both her students and fellow educators alike. Her impact on her students is palpable, as evidenced by the admiration they hold for her. So profound is their respect and appreciation for Alix that they took the initiative to advocate for her nomination as the May employee of the month, articulating in writing the myriad reasons why Ms. Parson is truly deserving of this honor:

“Our class thinks that Ms. Parsons is worthy of being Employee of the Month because she is hardworking, caring, organized, and an amazing person to be around. To start, Ms. Parsons is very hardworking. She has us practice our math and ELA every day, making sure that everyone understands. While we are learning in school, she makes sure we are all being challenged. She makes an effort each day to fill our brains with knowledge in our world. 

Another reason why we think that Ms. Parsons should be Employee of the Month is because she is caring. She cares for the students that may need help in understanding a new skill. She takes action when one of us is being bullied. And when something in our classroom isn’t going the way it was planned, she steps back and asks us what we think. She uses all of our ideas to make a new plan. 

In addition, Ms. Parsons is very organized. When we say organized, we mean ORGANIZED! She makes a schedule for us every day, letting us know what’s going to happen. She has her calendar with every single detail, from who needs to finish their homework, to when she needs to grade papers. She has neat and clear slideshows for explaining the new strategies or structures we are learning. It helps keep our classroom up and running. Our final reason for why we think that Ms. Parsons deserves to be Employee of the Month is because overall, she is an amazing person to be around. She is funny and easy to talk to. We can tell her all about our upcoming competitions, or our plans for the weekend, and she listens. She engraves it to her heart and remembers everyone’s story. She hears us, not just as a teacher, but as an amazing person.”

Students of the Month

Adilyn Simpson, preschool at the Early Learning Center

Adilyn SimpsonAddy is an exemplary student who illuminates the classroom. She consistently demonstrates kindness and compassion towards her peers, readily offering assistance and support whenever needed. Whether it's lending a hand with difficult assignments or providing a listening ear during challenging times, Addy has a commitment to helping others. Her teachers said "Addy is so sweet and respectful with all of her peers and teachers. She is always willing to lend a helping hand. Whether that is holding a friend’s hand in line or passing papers out for a teacher, Addy is up to the challenge. She is always so active at circle time and during classwork, sharing everything she has learned from last year at the ELC. She is an absolute joy to have in class and she brightens everyone’s day the moment she walks in the door." Addy will be missed next year at the Early Learning Center but we are so proud of her and excited to watch her grow!

Adelynn Moro-Baxter, 3rd grade at South Ridge Elementary School

Adelynn Moro-BaxterAdelynn is an excellent role model. She models resilience every day by putting forth her very best effort, even when something is hard. Adelynn comes to school with a smile and a positive attitude, and that smile lasts all day. She is continually kind to all of her classmates, and models the three R's in our school on a daily basis. Way to go Adelynn!

John Nelson, kindergarten at Union Ridge Elementary School

John NelsonThere are too many reasons to list why John deserves to be student of the month, but here are just a few: John's heart is full of kindness. He brings a smile to his teacher's face every day and is an exceptional friend to all students in class. He embodies the 3 R's: always respectful, responsible, and resilient. But the biggest reason for this recognition is for his work ethic and motivation to learn. John's teacher shares that she is continually amazed at how much John has grown academically this year. John has much to be proud of, yet he is humble. He is easygoing, yet driven. He is independent, but cooperative. John's teacher looks forward to teaching him daily and wishes she had more time to see how far he soars! 

Jordan Camron, 5th grade at Sunset Ridge Intermediate School

Jordan CamronJordan Camron consistently exemplifies a positive attitude and dedication to his studies. Regardless of the challenges he faces, Jordan consistently puts forth his best effort, demonstrating resilience and determination. He not only excels academically but also fosters a culture of kindness and respect among his peers. His unwavering integrity is evident in his commitment to doing what is right and advocating for fairness. Moreover, Jordan's respect for our school environment is commendable, as he takes great care in maintaining our classroom and its resources. Jordan's exemplary behavior and commitment to excellence make him a standout role model for his classmates. Congratulations, Jordan, on being recognized as the Student of the Month! Your hard work and positive attitude truly set you apart.

Tyson Miller, 8th grade at Wisdom Ridge Academy

Tyson MillerThere are many students at Wisdom Ridge Academy who exemplify the traits of respectfulness, responsibility and resilience, but none better than Tyson Miller. Tyson has been at WRA for two years. When asked why he chose to attend WRA rather than his brick-and-mortar school, Tyson said he was “looking for a more challenging and rigorous school.” His sister was enrolled in WRA and he thought it would be a good fit for him. When asked what he likes best about WRA, Tyson’s response was “the staff. The staff is definitely the best staff I’ve ever worked with.” 

Tyson’s teacher, Mrs. Robblee, said “Tyson is a whirlwind of energy, activity, and humor. He takes a full load of courses, stays on top of all of them, is two years ahead in math, and still finds time for long rehearsals with Journey Theater. Tyson is amazing.” 

Tyson says he is proud of keeping up with his schoolwork and not getting distracted. He is also proud of overcoming some anxiety and depression at the end of COVID and learning how to manage those feelings. He enjoys staying busy with Journey Theater, where he was the lead in “SpongeBob The Musical” and is playing Schroeder in the upcoming production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” He also helps out with the children’s ministry at his church. After high school. Tyson says he will definitely stay involved in the performing arts, but if that doesn’t pan out and pay the bills, he’s looking at financial planning or something to do with math.

Elizabeth Bloom, 8th grade at View Ridge Middle School 

Elizabeth BloomView Ridge Middle School staff agree that Lizzy is kind, respectful and responsible! Lizzy is very involved at View Ridge, having been on the volleyball and basketball teams as a scholar athlete. She has excelled this year in band and jazz band, playing in honor band and receiving a jazz soloist award at Clark College. Her musical talent has also given her the opportunity to play with the RHS pep band periodically as well. 

Mr. DeShazer, her PE/Health teacher stated, “Lizzy is a spectacular student! From Health class to PE, she works to improve her skills or understanding on a daily basis with respect and resiliency. Apart from that, Lizzy is sweet and kind and gets along with everyone. Lizzy is well deserving of this honor!” 

Her math teacher, Ms. Pauletto said, “Lizzy is such a bright and kind student! She always comes to class ready to learn and challenge herself. She continuously lends help to others and leads with positivity. She is an all-star role model for the 3 R’s!” 

Mr. Nelson said “Lizzy comes to class each day with a good attitude, a calming presence and a focus on quality. Lizzy always produces high quality work and is very much appreciated.” Lizzy, you are a wonderful role model, student, artist, and athlete, you have a bright future ahead of you. 

Davis Sullivan, 11th grade at Ridgefield High School

Davis SullivanAsk any staff member on our campus what comes to mind when they think of Davis Sullivan and his impact on our school, and the theme is evident: dedicated, dependable, invested, curious, motivated… the list is endless. 

It seems hard to imagine a student that is more deserving of accolades and praise. But when asked what he loves about Ridgefield High School and those that have influenced his journey, Davis is quick to praise others. Davis looks at RHS as a close-knit family, where everyone loves one another. He credits Ms. Uhacz for fostering a love a reading and finding more meaning in literature, and his coach, Angela Shields, for helping him to see sports as more of a lifestyle, where it's more important who you are and how you act during your sport than the place or medal you receive. When asked what advice he would give a younger student, he didn’t hesitate: “Be yourself and love others. Kindness is overlooked. Try to be the best you can every day. That’s special and beautiful.” Thank you Davis, for bringing your light, love, and kindness to RHS. We are a better school because of you.

What follows are quotes from those who know him best at RHS - his teachers and coaches.

  • “Davis was the first one to arrive at my class each day, and always with a smile. And every day as he left he said ‘thank you.’ His love of learning was contagious in my room.”

  • “When Davis misses class, he painstakingly checks in ahead of time, does work while away, and checks back in after he returns to make sure he didn’t miss anything.”

  • “Davis has a quiet confidence about him and is still very approachable to staff and peers alike. He has a great sense of humor, witty personality, and genuinely cares about his education.”

  • “Davis is a leader in both cross country and track. Even through adversity, he perseveres and continues to work harder to meet his goals and expectations. He does this with such grace and quiet confidence.”

  • “Davis does a great job balancing his class load with his extracurricular load, and he excels in both.”

  • “Davis is one of the most kind and genuine students at RHS. He’s always working to help others get better.”

  • “Davis is what I call a magical student. Always on time, respectful, kind, and never negative. He is the perfect example of a student who works hard and strives to be better every day.”