September 19, 2017
\r\nDear Parents/Guardians,
\r\nCommunication is a vital part of school success! In an effort to increase our communication with you, I have added an additional newsletter each month. This newsletter highlights various areas of the school that help provide a well rounded education for your child. I hope you will find the following information informative and useful.
\r\nHello from the Library! This year I am excited to be at Union Ridge every day! Because of this, we are able to open up the library every school day for kids to come and check out books, even if it isn’t their scheduled day. So, our motto this year is, “Everyday is library day!”
\r\n\tThis year, we have grade level challenges. Our goal is to double each grade levels book checkout from last year in hopes to get kids reading more. We will do this by upping the quantity of book checkout for kids and having the library open all day to kids so they can return books as soon as they are done and get more to read. They will also be able to check out books for up to 3 weeks before needing to renew the book. Check out our bulletin board outside the library to see how each grade level is doing.
\r\nYou can help your child look for books in our library by visiting our library catalog, Destiny Quest. See website below. You can also download the Destiny Quest app on your phone! See below for details.
\r\nDestiny Catalog:
\r\nLibrary Website:
\r\nDestiny Quest App for your phone! Use the Destiny Catalog website above to find our library catalog. | Epic! Online fiction and nonfiction reading for your kids. \r\nGo to \r\n |
Thank you and happy reading! Jubilee Roth - Teacher-Librarian and Joy Stonex - Library Aide
\r\n\r\nART - New Artwork at Union Ridge Elementary
\r\nThe large metal bird and creatures that appeared all over building B are the creation of Bainbridge Island artist Garth Edwards. The piece was developed over the last two years in collaboration with teachers, local artist, and community members to enhance the building and make it a more beautiful, kid friendly place.
\r\nThere will be a dedication on October 7th in the cafeteria, with an educational program by the Audubon Society of Portland, a student art show, and a chance to meet the artist. The artwork was paid for by the Washington State Arts Commission. If you have any questions you can contact the Art Specialist Alan Adams at
\r\nHello Ridgefield families! This year in Mrs. Moeller's Music class, I will get to teach all of the Kindergarten classes except Mrs. Stamp's class, all of the First grade classes, and all of the Second grade classes! I also am teaching 5th and 6th grade music to all of our young musicians who have chosen not to do band. In Kindergarten we have started learning about the farm animals and singing "Old MacDonald". You can help kids practice at home by asking them what animals we learned about in music so far! In First Grade, we have started off the year by playing movement games. Games like the paper plate game, and move and freeze can even be played at home! In Second Grade we are practicing our rhythms with the game Poison Rhythm and we are singing about our summer vacations. Fifth Graders are starting off the year with a composition unit where we will learn to make our own songs, and Sixth graders are learning about Found Sounds with a unit about the movie "Stomp Out Loud". So far we are off to a great start!
\r\nLet's keep learning like Rock Stars!!
\r\nPHYSICAL EDUCATION - Five for Life =Five Components of Fitness
\r\nThe five components of health-related fitness are important for physical health. Maintaining healthy levels of fitness for each component helps a person live a healthy and productive life. Throughout our school year, we will be learning vocabulary, activities and body systems related to the five components of fitness:
\r\nCardiorespiratory Endurance
\r\nMuscular Strength
\r\nMuscular Endurance
\r\nBody Composition
\r\nAs School Counselors, we perform the following roles in order to promote positive development in academic, career, and personal/social domains:
\r\nIndividual counseling
Small group counseling
Classroom guidance (i.e. Large group counseling)
Attend and participate in academic intervention meetings
Organize and administer building testing
Observe students in various school environments
Consult and collaborate with parents, teachers, administrators, social workers, and students
Respond to school crisis or emergency situations
Provide information and resources to parents on a variety of issues
Here are some reasons students might want to talk to the School Counselor:
\r\n"I had an argument with my best friend and she doesn't want to be my friend anymore."
"Some kids in my science class are talking about fighting after school."
"My parents argue all the time and I don't know what to do."
"My grandfather is really sick and I'm scared he's going to die."
"My mom just had a baby and she doesn't have time for me anymore."
"We're moving again!"
"My dad wants me to be an engineer like him, but I want to be a pilot."
Here are some reasons parents might want to talk to the School Counselor:
\r\n"This is John's third school this year, and he's having difficulty adjusting."
"My husband is being deployed in two weeks and Carolyn may need some help coping with this change."
"Sam used to be excited about school, but lately he doesn't seem to care."
"My wife and I recently separated and our daughter could use some help understanding this."
"My son seems to be the target of some teasing and bullying after school. Can you help?"
\r\nThis Friday we will kick off our first FUN-raiser of the year. The PTO has partnered with a local business, Serendipity-Doo-Dah to sell fresh made and hand-crafted caramel corn, gourmet scone mixes and zesty spice rubs. All money raised goes towards FUN! It’s time to ramp up recess – let’s face it – our playground needs some love. Monies raised will go to rehabbing and replacing playground equipment and putting new equipment out at building B. Packets and info will go home with students Friday, September 15, 2017 and run through September 29, 2017.
\r\nPlease call or email Holly Andrews at 360-750-7602 or if your child is absent. Please supply a reason for the absence and dates. Also, if you have an upcoming event, pre-arranged forms can be obtained in the office to fill out.
\r\nWednesday, September 20th - Pie with the Principal 7:00 PM in the Library
\r\nSaturday, September 23rd - Experience Ridgefield 3:30-7:30 RHS
\r\nFriday, September 29th - Picture Day and last day of the PTO fundraiser
\r\nMy door is always open. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
\r\nThank you,
\r\nKelly Macdonald