Monthly Principal Newsletter

Monthly Newsletter

R.O.C.K.S + Bully Prevention
October is both National Disabilities
Awareness + Bully Prevention month.
Students are learning about both in
the classroom, at age appropriate
assemblies, and through activities like
Kindness Rocks and the Purple Hand
Pledge. Please check out our new
Bully Prevention resource webpage.

To ensure the continued safety of our students, we will be locking the
glass doors at the front of building B each morning. All students must
enter through the side doors of building B to reach the gym.
Please remember to say goodbye to your students before they enter
the gyms each morning. If parents need to access a school building
or gym, they must first sign in at the office first.
If you are volunteering, please do not take photos of your child at
recess. We need to ensure the privacy of all our students. Thanks!

In an effort to reach as many families as possible, we utilize a variety
of communication vehicles throughout the school and district.Some examples include this monthly newsletter, voicemail, hand-outs coming home with students, and our website. We are working to improve our website so that families will have easy access to a multitude of resources and up-to-date information. You may not be aware, but our website includes an app that allows you to access key information including a news feed and events. Please download the app! We will be communicating more and more information through the app to keep our families current with all the great things happening here at Union Ridge!