Safety - Traffic Talk
\r\nStudent safety is of top concern. Please read carefully: Many parents are
crossing with students at non-crosswalk locations on 5th Avenue during pick
up and drop off. We need everyone to use designated crosswalks. When
dropping off or picking up while driving - students must enter/exit in front of
Building B onto the sidewalk. Students are walking through traffic in the car
line, which is incredibly dangerous. Please pick up and drop off ONLY at the
sidewalk in front of Building B when driving. Thank you!
Absences are on the rise - please remember the importance of attendance.
When a student misses a lesson, it is difficult to recreate that learning for
the student. I know there are times when absences are unavoidable
and students are too ill to come to school, but we greatly appreciate
your consideration when scheduling appointments and vacations. Good
attendance is an indicator of scholastic success.
Assembly + Reception - We will honor our Nation’s Veterans at 9:15 AM in
Building B. Teachers sent home requests for names of family members who
are Veterans, so they can be personally invited and honored during the assembly. A reception will follow with light refreshments in Building A gym.