Union Ridge Elementary is Pursuing Premier! Rooted in the district’s aspiration
to become the state’s premier district, we are committed to providing each student a personalized learning experience, opportunities, and skills that ensure success. We actively review data, seek feedback from the community, teachers and students, and evaluate our procedures to make sure we provide an excellent education for your student(s).
Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) articulates our goals and serves as a road map to improved student achievement. The SIP is created with the help of the Building Leadership Team, which has representation from all areas of the school. It is our SIP that drives this amazing school. It provides purpose, direction and unity as we work together to make Union Ridge better with each passing day. You can find our full SIP online. To help families gain a better understanding of our goals this year I have listed both district and UR goals below with a few highlights of our actions. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My door is always open. Kelly Macdonald
District Goal #1: Achieve high outcomes through quality instruction, personalized
learning, and continuous improvement resulting in success for every student.
Union Ridge Goal #1: Deliver an articulated and challenging K-6 math curriculum,
aligned with state standards, and taught with fidelity that ensure academic success for every student.
Action Highlights
• Provide interventions and professional development focus through data analysis with iReady assessment.
• Provide opportunities for teachers to watch and learn from their colleagues through peer observations.
• Create a love of learning and resilience by promoting growth mindset, the understanding that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.
District Goal #2: Provide safe, inclusive, and supportive environments that
nurtures the wellbeing of the whole child.
Union Ridge Goal #2 Part A: Implement Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)
Action Highlights
• Promote ROCKS (Respect, Ownership, Community, Kindness and Service), through posters, assemblies, postcards, morning messages, ROCKS store, drawings for prizes and common understanding among the staff of minor or major behaviors.
Union Ridge Goal #2 Part B: Safe and Supportive Environment
Action Highlights
• Introduce the Watch Dogs Program
• Practice safety drills
• Improve drop off and pick up procedures
District Goal #3: Provide collaboration and communication opportunities with
families, staff and the community resulting in strong partnerships.
Union Ridge Goal #3: Provide collaboration and communication opportunities with families, staff, and community resulting in strong relationships.
Action Highlights
• Send positive behavior postcards home to families
• Schedule Monthly Pie with the Principal meetings
• Email monthly newsletters
• List school events on the school webpage
• Meet with Parent Advisory Committee twice a year
• Provide parent survey
• Foster a strong PTO partnership
District Goal #4: Close the disparity gap by ensuring high expectations, removing
barriers and providing opportunities for all students.
Union Ridge Goal #4: Analyze academic and discipline data for disparate gaps and
develop strategies to narrow identified gaps.
Action Highlights
• Promote attendance
• Promote Family Solutions
• Provide intervention blocks in the daily school schedule
• Provide professional development (PD) for teachers to support struggling students
• Provide PD for teachers to support students who have experienced trauma
• Improve the Student Intervention Team