Happy Hoppers Come Teach and Perform for 4th graders

The Happy Hoppers master demo team ofRandy & Jackie Amundson, Ron & Emily Chase, Rex & Jean Tolstrup, and Danny & Carol Williamson, accompanied by music player Tom Halpenny, visited Union Ridge Elementary School on May 14 to educate 150 students about square dancing.  Randy spoke to the students about what square dancing is like and reasons we like to dance, introduced the dancers who were dressed in their square dance finery, and the team danced to three recorded singing calls by Jim Hattrick and Adam Christman.  


Fourth grade teacher Mindy Morris contacted the club and requested our visit to Union Ridge. Every year the school does a culture parade through Ridgefield town. Part of the school focuses on Washington State culture, and this year decided to learn about square dancing as the State dance. The music teacher is teaching the students the musical piece, the PE teacher is teaching the dance piece and in writing class they are writing an essay about the history and steps for square dancing. In the parade, the kids will be square dancing.


You can attend the 5th Annual Culture Parade on Thursday, May 31st from 9:00 - 9:30 in downtown Ridgefield, and observe square dancing by kids! All Union Ridge Elementary School students will be parading through downtown Ridgefield representing a variety of cultures that are being studied in the classroom.


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