I wanted to celebrate with you! Here in the library, we made a goal this year to DOUBLE our book checkout from last year. It was a big goal. We set grade-level goals to double what that grade level read the previous year and have tracked it each month. Well, I am super excited to announce that we beat our goal!!!
Last year, our circulation was 20,402. This year we checked out 41,361!
Our goal was with intentions to increase reading for all students, which would then increase literacy and help classroom teachers get a boost in those test scores, something that was a school-wide goal.
What we changed: We increased the number of books students could check out at a time for 2nd-6th grade from 2 books to 4 books and K-1 from 1 to 2 books. We also opened up the library all day for students to come to check out even if it was not their scheduled library day. I did book talks occasionally to get older kids interested in titles. And I talked a lot about how to find a "good fit" book. We were able to do these things because I was here full-time in the library and so was Joy. A HUGE thank you for all your support!
Show your kiddos! Celebrate their identity as a reader. Show them how to be life-long readers. Send them to the library to check out books!...