Dear Parents and Guardians,
\r\nWelcome back! I hope your summer was full of great adventures and wonderful memories!
\r\nWe have added several outstanding teachers to the staff of Union Ridge this year. They are eager to get to know you and to meet their students.
\r\nMrs. Bleth\t\tKindergarten
\r\nMrs. Sullens\t\tKindergarten
Mrs. Christa Mellin
\r\nMrs. Taylor\t\tFirst Grade
\r\nMrs. Oderman\t\tFirst Grade (moved to Union Ridge from South Ridge)
\r\nMrs. McTighe\t\tFirst Grade (moved to Union Ridge from South Ridge)
\r\nMs. Cleaver\t\tFirst Grade
\r\nMs. Veillette\t\tSecond Grade
\r\nMs. Halland\t\tSecond Grade (moved to Union Ridge from South Ridge)
\r\nMrs. Allison\t\tThird Grade (moved to Union Ridge from South Ridge)
\r\nMrs. Capeloto\t\tThird Grade
\r\nMrs. Hyland\t\tThird Grade
\r\nMrs. Upton\t\tSpecial Education
\r\nMs. McNamara\t(OT)
\r\nMs. Ross\t\t(Speech)
\r\nMrs. Peeler\t\tArt (moved to Union Ridge from South Ridge)
\r\nMrs. Hertafeld\t\tMusic (moved to Union Ridge from South Ridge)
\r\nMr. Heim\t\tAssistant Principal
\r\nSafe Routes to School
\r\nThe district has developed a Safe Routes to School Plan for the immediate vicinity of Union Ridge. Please see the attached map and information.
\r\nCar Pick up Procedure
\r\nBasics of the Pick-Up Plan
\r\nStudents whose parents park their cars and are picked up, will wait at the basketball court located next to building B.
Students who are picked up by car will wait in their grade-level spot in front of building B.
Parents will place a name placard on the dash of their car on the passenger side. A teacher with a walkie talkie will call your student out of their grade level spot and meet you at the car pick up area. Placards will be sent home soon. In the meantime, you can either write your student’s name on a paper and place it on the dashboard, or tell the teacher with the walkie talkie your student’s name.
Students can move from their grade-level spot ONlY when their name has been called and their car has arrived.
Students will be waiting in the loading area when their car pulls up.
Please watch the following video for further clarification:
\r\nTuesday, August 28th 5:00-7:00 PM - Back to School Night
\r\nFrom 5:00-6:00 PM, classrooms will be opened for you to drop off supplies and meet the teacher. From 6:00-7:00 PM, please walk around gym B and view the displays on our new ELA curriculum, the social emotional curriculum ‘Second Steps’ with our counselors, learn about the Watch Dog’s Program, Scouts, art, music and PTO (Parent Teacher Organization).
\r\nNew School Hours 9:05-3:35 PM
\r\nThe gym doors will be open at 8:45 AM. Please do not drop off your student before that time as there will be no supervision.
\r\nIt’s going to be a wonderful year! The home and school is a partnership of success. I know we will continue to build strong bonds this year.
\r\nKelly Macdonald, Principal
\r\nUnion Ridge Elementary School