It's no surprise to anyone that Corrina Hollister is known as an outstanding and beloved teacher. Relatively new to Ridgefield School District, Corrina has quickly established herself as a strong and collaborative partner. She extends empathy to students who need extra patience and readily offers encouragement to families in supporting their children. When students were asked what they enjoy most about Mrs. Hollister they shared, "Mrs. Hollister sees what's in my heart, and then she meets me there. I know she loves me and I really know she cares because she always smiles when she reminds me that we're 'getting there' and 'we're going to do this together until it makes sense.’" Another student shared, "I never feel like it's bad to make a mistake, so I try harder because I know it's important to her and so are we. I am working on becoming stronger as a reader and it hasn't been very easy, but with her helping me, it doesn't seem so hard." Another student shared, "She sees everything that's going on in our classroom, even when she's doing small groups. Sometimes she just says she notices us doing kind things and it makes me feel proud on the inside. It makes me feel safe to be with her. Our classroom feels like home." Mrs. Hollister, your students, families, and colleagues are so proud of you!
RSD Employee of the Month
April 15, 2022