Ridgefield Family Resource staff photo

Kristina Benedick (left) and Chris Poppert (right) of the Ridgefield Family Resource Center.

We will be closed Monday, March 31 through Friday, April 4 during Spring Break.

We Are Here to Help

Sometimes life presents difficult challenges, but you are not alone. Open to Ridgefield School District families, students, and staff, the Ridgefield Family Resource Center is here to help!

Families can have access to our food pantry, personal hygiene items, clothing, school supplies, and more. If you need additional resources please call 360-619-1412 or email to make an appointment.

RFRC Flyer (English)

Семейный информационный центр Риджфилда Форма приема гостей

Acerca del Centro de Recursos Familiares de Ridgefield

Ridgefield Family Resource logo

Regular Hours
Mondays 1-5 p.m.
Wednesdays 12-4 p.m.
Thursdays 1-6:30 p.m.

To request an appointment outside of these hours, please email us or call (360) 619-1412 .


We are located in portables C and D to the north of the RACC building at  510 Pioneer Street, Ridgefield, WA. Take Pioneer Street into town and park in the RACC parking lot. We are just north of the RACC building in the first portable.


Resources for Families

School District Federal Programs

Get Involved

About the RFRC

Our Vision

Partnering with our community to embrace all individuals and provide support.

Our Mission

The Ridgefield Family Resource Center (RFRC) strives to provide a safe environment for families to build relationships so they feel comfortable receiving help. We work to meet people where they are so they can receive the support they need.

Collaboration Leads to Success

The Family Resource Center can only succeed through true commitment and collaboration between families and organizations that
work together.

We partner with other agencies and community groups in order to provide programs, activities and services to meet the total needs of families. The school system, departments of health and social services, churches, and many other agencies and service organizations, in addition to volunteers, are all vital to the Ridgefield Family Resource Center.  If you are connected to a resource that may be able to support the FRC, please let us know.

Make a Donation

After clicking on the above image, please select "District Office" from the drop-down menu as the school.

Click the heart icon above to donate online, or checks can be made out to Ridgefield School District with RFRC on the memo line. Please mail checks to 510 Pioneer Street Ridgefield, WA 98642. Thank you!