Q: What does the hybrid schedule look like for my child?
A: The Ridgefield School District will be using an alternating A/B schedule. More specifically, students assigned to group A will attend school all day in-person on Mondays and Thursdays. Students assigned to group B will attend school all day in-person on Tuesdays and Fridays. Wednesday is a remote-day for all students.
Q: Does my child attend school with everyone from their class?
A: No. The A/B model described above divided each class into two groups (an A group and a B group). Further, only one group will be on-campus at any given time. This assists in our efforts to maintain appropriate social-distancing.
Q: Will Ridgefield Remote remain the same?
A: Yes. Students remaining with Ridgefield Remote will continue to follow the same schedule they currently have.
Q: Will Ridgefield Remote remain an option available to my child all year?
A: Yes the current survey asks you to commit through the end of the first trimester (November 24). Prior to the end of the first trimester, the District will send another survey asking you to make a choice for the second trimester.
Q: Will my child(ren) have the same teacher when we transition to hybrid?
A: The District cannot promise that students will have the same teacher in either instructional mode. This is because the District must balance teacher staffing between both instructional modes (Ridgefield Remote and hybrid). Please know, it is the District’s intention to keep as many students as possible with their current teacher.
Q: Will recess be offered in the hybrid model?
A: Yes, there will be recess.
Q. Do students have to wear masks when on-campus?
A: Yes, safety is our utmost priority. Following guidance from the Washington Department of Health, masks are required for all students, staff, and parents when in District buildings and when using District transportation.
Q: Will students still have specialists (art, library, music, PE) in the hybrid model?
A: Yes, students will continue to receive instruction from our specialists.
Q: Will social-distancing protocols be in place?
A: Yes, the District will enforce guidance from the Washington Department of Health, Clark County Department of Health, and Labor and Industry.
Chromebook Troubleshooting Guide
Chromebook Troubleshooting Guide
Zoom Troubleshooting
If you are unable to connect to a teacher's Zoom meeting, please follow the steps in this guide:
English https://bit.ly/33vWpkb
Russian https://bit.ly/30sC1zu
I would like to turn on Night Time mode / Blue Light Filter mode on the Chromebook to ease eye strain
Follow Google's guide here: https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/9145848?hl=en
I am unable to play videos posted by a teacher
Teachers often add videos to google classroom or include links in lessons or Google Slides presentation. If you are unable to view these videos, please follow the guide found here: https://bit.ly/2RwRKsq
I sent an email to helpdesk@ridgefieldsd.org asking for help. I have not received a reply.
Please check your SPAM/Junk folder. We have seen instances where messages from our Help Desk system go to the SPAM or Junk folder. You may set a rule to allow these messages through. If you want to whitelist the email address, please add help@rsd122.on.spiceworks.com.
My student has not received a Chromebook. How can I get one?
Once your student is registered to attend classes in the Ridgefield School District, a Chromebook will be prepared for them. Please be sure to fill out the Mobile Device Checkout Form as this is required before your student can receive a Chromebook. The electronic form is located here: https://bit.ly/3C0e2LN
How can I get support for Chromebooks and problems accessing learning content?
If you have a district-issued Chromebook you will receive hardware support. If you are using your own devices this support is not available. If you have problems accessing Zoom meetings, Google Classroom, or other curriculum resources, please contact the classroom teacher first for assistance. If you need further assistance contact the Ridgefield School District Technology Department at:
Email: helpdesk@ridgefieldsd.org
Phone: 360-619-1363
Will the district continue to supply technology to families who do not have access? How will the district support families who have more than one student in RSD?
Ridgefield School District is working towards providing a Chromebook device for every student, including new students. This is commonly referred to as a 1:1 technology model. The District is moving to a 1:1 Chromebook model with distribution dates set for August 20th, 21st, 24th & 25th.
How is the district supporting internet access?
The District has purchased about 100 hotspots that will be provided to families who do not have access to a reliable internet connection.
Will the District provide families tech support this fall?
Tech support will be provided to all students, and we are working with partners to bring back the family tech support line.
Will the family tech support helpline offer translated supports?
Yes. Like last spring, translated technology services and supports will be provided.
Can the district provide "how-to videos" or tutorials for the Google Suite and any other online platform my child will be using next school year?
Yes, the District will continue to update the Ridgefield Remote webpage with new information. Tutorials and videos for the Google Suite, Zoom, and Screencastify can be found under resources.
Will all staff, including instructional assistants, have district devices on the first day of school?
Devices have been ordered for staff. We are planning distribution events before the start of school with priority for educators that do not currently have a device.
Take Home Chromebook
Am I required to take a Chromebook from the district?
No. Chromebooks are available for any student in the Ridgefield School District, but if you have a device available at home and would like to use it instead, that is allowed. However, if you choose to not take a district device, you will not be able to receive hardware support.
Should I fill out the form if I do not wish to take a district Chromebook?
Yes, we would prefer that you fill out the form and choose the option for “I do not wish to receive a district device”. This will help us track who needs devices and who has chosen to use their own. You can find the form at this link: https://bit.ly/2Z56suX.
Do I need to return a Chromebook I received as surplus from the district?
When the pandemic hit in the Spring of 2020 the district placed in surplus a number of Chromebooks that were going to be retired from the district fleet over the summer. The devices were given to families in need of devices to educate their children through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Because of this, these devices are no longer district property and should not be returned to the school district.
Will I need to return the Chromebook I receive as part of the district’s 1:1 Take Home initiative?
Yes, these devices remain district property and will need to be returned at the end of the school year. Details on the return process will be released to the public in the spring.
Can my student who has a license pick up their and their sibling’s Chromebooks on distribution day?
Yes, as long as the electronic form has been filled out before the cut off day (Aug 20th) a driving student can follow the same procedure as a parent or guardian to receive their Chromebook and that of their siblings.
If our family is out of town/working/unavailable on our designated pickup time but could make another one, can we pick up in another time slot?
We strongly encourage families to show up during their time slot as much as possible to ensure everyone can get their device in a timely manner. We understand that this is difficult for some. If a family shows up during the wrong time slot, there may be a delay in finding and getting them their devices, but they will not be turned away.
NEW If our family cannot make any of the distribution dates, or if our family registered after the distribution began, will we be able to receive a device?
Yes. There is an additional Chromebook pick-up date now scheduled for Friday, August 28 as the View Ridge Middle School/Sunset Intermediate School parking lot from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. You may come any time during those hours to pick up Chromebooks for your students. If you are unable to make it during this time, please email chromebooks@ridgefieldsd.org and we will contact you with information on how to schedule a pick-up time.
How and when do I pay for the Chromebook Assurance Plan?
When you enroll in the Chromebook Assurance Plan you will be billed in Skyward as you would for other fees and fines. It will take some time for us to get this information entered, but you will be notified when payment can be made.
How do I get my child's Chromebook password?
- Ridgefield High School
Contact your student's School Counselor.
9th & 11th - monica.deshazer@ridgefieldsd.org
10th - ashton.clark@ridgefieldsd.org
12th - tatsuya.kee@ridgefieldsd.org
- View Ridge Middle School
Contact the main office at 360-619-1400
- Sunset Ridge Intermediate School
Contact your student's homeroom teacher.
- Union Ridge Elementary School
Contact your student's classroom teacher
- South Ridge Elementary School
Contact your student's classroom teacher
NEW I am unable to connect a district Chromebook to my home wireless.
Some Chromebooks failed to download a new policy before being distributed to families. Please try the solution "Three Finger Reset" in this link:
Will teachers be able to teach from classrooms?
We are working to determine if classrooms can be opened for educator’s use, while protecting the health and safety of our staff. This is currently being negotiated with Ridgefield Educators Association.
Will students receive live, remote classroom instruction? How many hours of instruction per day will be provided?
As approved by the School Board on August 11, the district is providing, remote classroom instruction in grades K-12. Schedules and "school hours" will be consistent across the district and predictable for families, students, and staff. Draft schedules are available on the Ridgefield Remote website.
What will my child's at home learning schedule look like?
Fall schedules for elementary, middle and high school students can be found at the District’s Ridgefield Remote page but are focused on providing live, remote classroom learning.
When will we know exactly what our child’s schedule will look like? Small group session time etc? How will a K-2 student know when they need to get back online?
We have worked to build learning schedules and approaches that are responsive to what students and families have told us they need and that meet the state. Teachers will reach out to families the week prior to school starting and let them know the specific schedule of their student. This will include times of whole class instruction as well as when the student should log back in for small group intervention or enrichment.
How will the District ensure consistency of instruction across schools?
Staff recommendations to the School Board include training for educators on best practices in digital instruction and learning as well as a consistent, live remote teaching schedule. Professional development is planned for teachers on all of the digital platforms available to them for the professional learning days in August, prior to school starting. These training will be provided by grade bands and this will help ensure consistency across schools and grades.
How long will remote/online learning go on? Will it be all school year?
Ridgefield School District continues to monitor COVID-19 transmission rates and is in regular contact with Clark County Public Health. While we are beginning the year remotely, planning for a hybrid model (some in-person and some remote learning) for all K-12 students will continue. We know that students do best when they are in a physical school community and have direct connection with educators and supports. Our local context remains dynamic, and there are lots of unknowns. What we know is that transmission rates of COVID-19 must decrease significantly to provide in-person learning to all students. We each have a part to play in reducing transmission rates. Please continue to and encourage others to follow the guidance of public health, wear a mask, and socially distance.
Will educators be taking attendance? How?
Attendance will be taken during remote learning per OSPI, the state education agency. K-5 attendance will be taken in the morning during the SEL instruction time. 6-12 attendance will be taken during each class period.
As a single parent that will need to work and have my kids with grandparents that cannot be responsible for supervising online learning, will my children be penalized for missing the synchronous portions of the day?
The District is working on opportunities for students to come into buildings with adult supervision while continuing to receive their instruction remotely from their teachers. All safety guidelines will be followed during these times.
How will this work for families that have working parents and may not be able to join at a predetermined time?
The District is working on opportunities for students to come into buildings with adult supervision while continuing to receive their instruction remotely from their teachers. All safety guidelines will be followed during these times.
What is the recommended grading policy?
Normal grading policies are in place. This includes formative and summative assessments.
Will there be supplemental, hardcopy packets at the school or meal sites for pick up?
The current recommendation is that all educators will be providing live, remote classroom instruction and we are working towards a 1:1 computer/technology device model for all RSD students. There may be some paper and pencil assignments that will supplement the synchronous and asynchronous instruction, but it will not replace it.
Is there a focus on social-emotional learning in the suggested remote learning plans? Will this also address social skills that are generally learned in the classroom?
Yes. We know that families and students are continually stressed and that our students miss connection and social emotional support when learning at home. Our recommended schedules include daily time for students to connect with peers and educators and focus on their social-emotional well-being. Please click here for the District’s SEL webpage.
Who will lead the SEL activities?
Teachers will be providing SEL lessons as part of the daily schedule. Counselors will also be available for help to support SEL.
Do students have to attend all live, online classes? Can some of the classes be recorded for students to view at a time that accommodates working families' schedules?
We are working to balance flexibility for students and families during this uncertain time, while ensuring consistency and predictably districtwide, as our communities have asked for. We have heard that families would like teachers to record the live sessions and post on Google Classroom. However, due to the attendance requirement this will not replace daily participation in synchronous learning with the teacher.
How is RSD ensuring the amount of screen time is developmentally appropriate? How much work will be screen vs. pencil/paper?
We have worked to build learning schedules and approaches that are responsive to what students and families have told us they need and that meet the state requirements of 1,027 instructional hours and 180 days. Those requirements require us to build a schedule that gets us to the point of counting time down to minutes.
These are example schedules, and we want to be transparent and offer our best thinking given our legal requirements so far. The schedules allow for students to have access to learning with the teacher. However, the time dedicated for live instruction includes time for small group instruction, 1:1 feedback, live chat with educators, as well as whole class instruction.
Are students expected to stay logged in to the video service the whole school day?
Students will have independent learning time that may take place away from their device. Small group instruction and independent learning time are built into the schedules that will be communicated by their teachers.
Will extracurricular classes like band, PE, theater, etc. still be offered in live, online classrooms?
Yes. There will also be some recorded classes available in these subject areas for students to watch at a time that works best for their schedule.
How will shop classes work, with no access to equipment?
As we move through the different phases we will begin to bring in an appropriate number of students for classes that cannot be accomplished through remote learning.
What is the comprehensive plan for remote learning training for educators?
Educator training is being offered throughout the summer and will be provided to educators beginning August 26. We are negotiating additional time and days for educators to be engaged in professional development. While we cannot speak to the specifics of bargaining proposals, the goal is to ensure that five days of professional development is provided to educators. This plan includes training on technology platforms and tools, as well as professional development on how to engage students in a remote learning environment.
What is RSD doing to collaborate with REA and educators in the planning process?
As we continue to bargain the fall working conditions with Ridgefield Education Association, staff including REA educators have been working hard to develop operational frameworks and recommendations for the 2020-21 start of school. Thank you to the educators and district staff who spent many collective hours participating on engagement teams to develop these proposals.
REA and RSD continue to negotiate and plan for additional opportunities for mandatory professional development and training for educators. This is an on-going conversation with REA.
What guidance/training will be provided to parents for the Independent Learning Time?
As we work with our professional development department we are planning to provide parents with training on how to most effectively use the Google suite platform.
How do I get my child's Chromebook password?
- Ridgefield High SchoolContact your student's School Counselor.
9th & 11th - monica.deshazer@ridgefieldsd.org
10th - ashton.clark@ridgefieldsd.org
12th - tatsuya.kee@ridgefieldsd.org
- View Ridge Middle SchoolContact the main office at 360-619-1400
- Sunset Ridge Intermediate SchoolContact your student's homeroom teacher.
- Union Ridge Elementary SchoolContact your student's classroom teacher
- South Ridge Elementary SchoolContact your student's classroom teacher
If some students with IEPs or 504 plans will be invited to take part in small group or 1:1 in-person instruction, what are the safety protocols that will be followed?
Additional information about safety protocols for limited in-person will be provided soon, but protocols will be identified in partnership with Clark County Public Health and will align with OSPI and CDC guidelines for reopening schools.
What science was this decision based on? What would we need to see for us to return to school buildings?
Countries that have managed to reopen schools successfully have done so with declining infection rates. In Clark County, our rates are going up. We will continue this model until the risk of significant transmission of COVID-19 has decreased enough to resume in-person instruction and will do so in consultation with Clark County Public Health.
1. What is the Enhanced Clean Program?
ABM’s Enhanced Clean Program is a three-step approach that delivers healthy spaces with a certified disinfection process backed by experts. 1. Step 1 is focused on occupants reentering safely into the facility 2. Step 2 involves frequent high touch disinfection of the space during the day and night 3. Step 3 addresses broad disinfection of large areas with equipment like electrostatic sprayers
2. What is the difference between disinfection and cleaning?
Cleaning uses detergents to physically remove germs, dirt, and other impurities from surface and objects. This process does not necessarily kill germs but lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection. Cleaning is most appropriate for all contact surfaces, especially high-touch surfaces. Disinfecting works by using chemicals to kill germs on the surfaces or objects. Most EPA-registered disinfectants contain both disinfectant and detergency; therefore, this is a critical step in the enhanced cleaning process to kill pathogens. EPA-registered disinfectants must be utilized in accordance with the products’ EPA registered label. This includes dilution, application method, and PPE requirements. Remember, substitute products must have SDS sheets available and diluted product in Ready to Use bottles must be labelled. Disinfectants are registered as pesticides through EPA under FIFRA. When applying the disinfectant, you must work from the top down - transitioning from vertical to horizontal surfaces. You must allow the product to dry on the surface according to the length of the time on the product label.
Enhanced Clean is essential because with COVID-19, a clean building is not enough. Facilities must incorporate disinfection protocols to provide a healthier space and maintain occupant trust
. • There is a heightened sense of scrutiny for facility owners and managers to demonstrate that they are doing their part to provide clean, healthy, and safe environments.
Building occupants are hyper aware of the appearance of cleanliness and will expect more transparency and visibility into the cleaning process.
Facility services providers play a critical role in providing programs to keep buildings and their occupants healthy.
3. What makes ABM’s Enhanced Clean Program different?
There are three key differentiators of ABM’s Enhanced Clean Program:
1) Certified processes backed by experts through our Expert Advisory Council, with backgrounds in infectious disease and industrial hygiene. Disinfectant specialists will be certified to ensure absolute training comprehension and consistent program delivery. Our advisory council is developing our program certification to ensure our onsite cleaning program meets a consistent standard across our operating platform.
2) Hospital Grade Disinfectants & Specialized Equipment such as EPA-registered disinfectants approved for use against SARS-CoV-2 for high touch points and electrostatic sprayers for broader disinfection.
3) Innovative solutions offer opportunities to improve the Enhanced Clean Program and bring greater value to our clients. Our Enhanced Clean team is vetting technology for use in facilities and will be piloting potential options with clients. Evidence based testing and UV lighting are some of the technology opportunities currently being analyzed. In the K-12 Education setting we are not recommending the usage of the UV lighting because these systems are extremely expensive, an average unit costs on the average $80,000.
4. What is the difference between electrostatic spraying and fogging?
Electrostatic sprayers are devices that apply a positive charge to a chemical in a spray of between 40 and 100 microns in size which then emit these particles into the air onto surfaces. Most of these surfaces have negative or neutral charges and have an attraction to these positive charged chemicals. This electrostatic attraction allows the chemical to adhere to all sides of a surface, including the back and underside, not just the horizontal surfaces or surfaces that are sprayed directly, providing full 360-degree coverage to surfaces. However, electrostatic sprayers do not disinfect; they are only the method of application. It is the chemical, or in this case the disinfectant that is applied that must be approved for use by the manufacturer and the EPA label on the concentrate must state that it can be applied through an electrostatic sprayer.
Fogging or Ultra Low Volume (ULV) Spraying/Fogging is a similar process to electrostatic spraying. The primary difference is that a fogger does not impart a charge on the chemical particle, and therefor does not have the surface coverage benefits that an electrostatic sprayer has when using the principles of electrostatic attraction. Due to the inability of a fogger to “wrap around” objects and cover hard to reach area with a single pass, foggers typically use more chemical to cover the same area as an electrostatic sprayer.
5. When does it make sense to use electrostatic spraying?
It makes sense to use electrostatic spraying in the following situations:
1) On a periodic basis to disinfect spaces that look to be visually clean although not serviced during the high touch disinfection. Electrostatic spraying is a great option to disinfect hard to reach areas.
2) After a known infected case, to provide an additional layer of disinfectant after cleaning has taken place, which provides additional assurance to those reoccupying the space Disinfectants are water based, so even though the particles are small, some electronic components, and some materials that are not compatible with water-based cleaner can be damaged after multiple applications.
6. What is your list of hospital grade disinfectants?
List of approved EPA chemicals for use
Morning Mist
Alpha HP
Virex Plus
Virex TB
Virex II 256
Crew NA Oxivir 1 Cleaner and Wipes
Oxivir TB Cleaner and Wipes
Oxivir Five 16
Oxivir 1RTU
Where will the fall food distribution sites be?
The distribution sites for Fall 2020 will be Union Ridge Elementary and Sunset Ridge/View Ridge campus. More information will be shared directly with families as the start of school draws closer including information about evening and weekend meal supports. Meals will be available for pick up this year without children being present.
How does lunch pick up work for families that need it when kids are lunching at different times?
Families can pick up all their students’ lunches at one time with their student’s school identification cards.
Will child care providers support remote learning for RSD students?
We are in the process of working with both bargaining groups to provide some learning support in-person opportunities for all families in the community who are unable to access the remote learning. This could look like a safe number of students in a classroom with their Chromebooks logged into their teacher’s Zoom lesson and an adult supervising their work and providing assistance when necessary. All safety guidelines would be adhered to during this time.
What connection to mental health providers will be made available for students during the school year?
The District has allocated additional resources to providing social/emotional learning (SEL) support to all students over the last few years. We have mental health care partners who support all students and will be available during the remote learning time. Click here to access our webpage with our partners information.
Where can my family go to find information on basic needs – housing, food, internet access?
You should reach out to the Ridgefield Family Resource Center for information about these items.
How is the district handling teachers that have their own children that may have a difficult time being engaged with students and their own kids?
We are in the process of working with both bargaining groups to provide some learning support in-person opportunities for all families in the community who are unable to access the remote learning. This could look like a safe number of students in a classroom with their Chromebooks logged into their teacher’s Zoom lesson and an adult supervising their work and providing assistance when necessary. All safety guidelines would be adhered to during this time.
How will IEP or 504 plan goals be met?
For students receiving specialized services and in alignment with their IEP or 504 plan, some students may receive small group, in-person instruction if it is determined that services can be provided safely and services cannot be accessed successfully through remote learning. This in-person small group instruction will not be possible until we move into the moderate level of the case numbers (25-75 cases per 100,000 residences). The Special Education Department is working closely with Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction to develop guidance for rigorous remote instruction.
How is RSD working to prioritize the needs of students with IEPs during the remote learning model?
The Special Education Department is working closely with Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction to develop guidance for rigorous remote instruction.
Will specialized supplies, such as wobble stools, be available for check-out for students with IEPs or 504s?
IEP teams will meet to determine what supplemental aids and services are needed for students and IEP to be successful in the remote learning model.
Where can I find resources and information in my home language?
All parent communication is translated into Spanish and Russian and emailed to families through our Skyward system based on their Parent Communication Plan. If you need to update your Parent Communication Plan to receive information in a language other than English, please contact Tonia Rice at tonia.rice@ridgefieldsd.org or at 360 619-1315. In addition, our website has translation options for Spanish and Russian.
Is there a plan to continue the Hi-Cap program?
Our Highly Capable Program Coordinator, Roger Fisher, will be working with staff and families to provide learning opportunities for our students identified as highly capable.
Will sports continue?
The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) approved a modified 2020-21 WIAA sports season calendar on July 21, 2020. Learn more on the WIAA website. The Athletics department is partnering with WIAA to make plans for the upcoming year, and more information will be provided in the coming weeks.
Could the remote learning recommendation change the school calendar/extend the school year?
The school year calendar is bargained with Ridgefield Education Association and approved by the School Board. We are currently bargaining working conditions and any calendar changes with REA. In addition, OSPI requires 180 days of instruction. Any changes to the number of instructional days will require an approved waiver from OSPI. If adjustments to the calendar are made, families, students, and staff will be informed as soon as possible.
What is RSD’s stance on families forming learning pods or micro schools?
These approaches are not formally supported by the District. We recognize that families are going to identify a multitude of ways to manage home learning in the fall. We encourage families to work with community partners, school PTAs, faith organizations, and neighbors to determine solutions that are beneficial for all of our children and that don't widen inequities – we are all in this together.
Will the Kindergarten WAKids evaluations happen in person or online?
WAKids will be done virtually this year. If you have already scheduled your appointment, you should receive information directly from your elementary school with instructions on how to proceed. If you still need to schedule this, please contact our District Registrar at 360-619-1315.
Will there be updated school supply lists posted?
School supply lists will be posted on building web pages by August 21st.
Will twins be placed in the same classroom for coordination purposes?
Yes. This is not a traditional practice of the District, but with the COVID pandemic this makes the most logistical sense for families.
Will the school offices remain open during distance learning?
For the safety of everyone in the community, the school offices will be open by appointment only during distance learning. If you need to schedule an appointment with a counselor or building administrator, please contact the school’s main office to set up an appointment.
When will training for educators start?
Educator training is offered throughout the summer. The first contracted day for all REA represented staff is August 26.