To support the development of SEL skills, all schools Pre-K through 8th grade use the Second Step curriculum. Second Step is a classroom-based universal support and typically covers skills such as: skills for learning, goal setting, empathy, emotion management, and problem solving/peer conflict. The goal of Second Step is to increase students’ school success-socially, emotionally, behaviorally, and academically-and decrease problem behaviors by promoting social emotional competence and self-regulation skills. Learn more about grade specific curriculum and resources. Second Step also has a bullying prevention unit specifically designed to teach students how to Recognize, Refuse, and Report bullying behaviors.

We understand educating our children requires a partnership. Students need support at home and from the community to succeed in school and life. Each student is unique and learning styles are different. We believe the diversity of our school community, which in simplest terms means the ways in which people are different, enhances the district’s ability to implement our goals. Education involves acknowledging and valuing what is comfortable and known and leading students to an understanding and appreciation of what is new and different. Encountering different perspectives, ideas, ways of thinking, and understandings is an essential part of this process. Through their experience with such differences students develop the ability to think critically, to make informed judgments, to imagine, to understand, and to grow. Helping students understand their connection to the world and to each other will enable them not only to achieve their highest potentials, but also to serve as strong and effective leaders. This principle is at the heart of our mission to foster unlimited possibilities.
Please feel free to navigate this website for tools, and reach out with any questions or ideas you would like to share!