Ever wonder what activities Ridgefield students participate in when they are in PE class? Come to the “PE Showcase – Shape Up!” event on Tuesday afternoon, May 23rd and find out.\r\n
\r\nThe district’s Physical Education Department is hosting the event as part of the “Shape Up Across Washington” program, whose goal is to encourage daily physical activity and a healthy lifestyle for elementary and middle school students.\r\n
\r\nThe event starts at View Ridge Middle School Gym at 5:30 pm, and a variety of activities are scheduled there and at Union Ridge Commons starting at 5:45 pm. See the detailed schedule below.\r\n
\r\nParticipate in a Challenge Run and Energy Pin Knockdown, play spikeball, play speedball, or experience fitness challenges that test your endurance, strength and flexibility. Join a yoga class, participate in a circuit training workout or challenge your student to a contest doing push-ups. Find out how heart rate monitors work or learn how pedometers are used -- while taking part in games and activities. \r\n
\r\nSnacks will be provided throughout the event. Athletic wear is recommended. The showcase wraps up with a raffle drawing for prizes at View Ridge Middle School Gym.\r\n