“Trick or treat?” No, TRUNK or treat! Ridgefield High School’s National Honor Society and a group of Ridgefield parents are hosting a Trunk or Treat event on Saturday, October 30 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Ridgefield Outdoor Recreation Complex (RORC) at 3101 S. Hillhurst Road. Ridgefield kids are invited to come enjoy the fun and get some Halloween treats a day early!
Trunk or Treat events provide kids with a safe and easy way to trick or treat. Usually held in a parking lot, event organizers park cars, then allow time for participants to decorate their open car trunks. Later in the day, costumed kids can go trick or treating from trunk to trunk.
At this Trunk or Treat event, Ridgefield kids will get all the excitement of trick or treating—while high school student organizations compete for the best designed trunk.
“Trunk decorating teams are trying to take down the reigning champs, the RHS Art Club,” National Honor Society sponsor Tamara Hoodenpyl said.
With several Ridgefield High School clubs and teams participating, there should be some tough competition this year. They hope to help build Ridgefield’s sense of community by supporting our youth with this exciting Halloween activity.
Please be careful while entering and exiting the RORC parking lot since small children will be in attendance. In addition, be aware that COVID guidelines are still in place, so observe masking and social distancing as appropriate. See you Saturday for a happy Trunk or Treat event!