The Ridgefield School District is hosting a series of stakeholder meetings during the month of September as planning continues for the new 5-6 intermediate school and 7-8 middle school that will be part of the district’s February, 2017 bond request to voters. “We are committed to our pursuit of becoming Washington’s premier school system. Safe, accessible, modern learning environments are foundational toward that end. In order to build the very best schools possible, and do so in the most efficient manner to serve as outstanding stewards, we believe engaging with our experts is absolutely essential. I am grateful for the considerable energy brought to this project by our staff, parents, and community members,” said Dr. Nathan McCann, Ridgefield’s superintendent. The series of meetings actually kicked-off September 9, as the district convened representatives from their custodial and food service teams to provide input and feedback on issues pertaining to general maintenance and cleaning of the new buildings as well as dining services. LSW, the district’s architectural firm, led stakeholders through multiple activities to learn more about present practices, existing challenges, and how layout and design can further support custodial and dining services. 
Dean Fewkes, a regional director for ABM, the district’s custodial partner, was one of the attendees at Friday’s meeting. Fewkes was pleased that he and members of his team had an opportunity early-on to help shape the final product. “We feel this process allows us to work collaboratively in a way that enables us to positively impact the education of Ridgefield students through our work.” Each stakeholder meeting will be dedicated to a specific facet of the new buildings' operations. The schedule of meetings follows: - Wednesday, September 14 - Science/STEM/ArtRHS Room 300, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, September 14 - Athletics/PE RHS Room 311, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
- Friday, September 16 - Media/Library District Office, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, September 21 - Band/Choir/Theater RHS Room 300, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
- Friday, September 23 - Special Education/TechnologyDistrict Office, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Members of the public interested in participating may call the District Office at 360-619-1302 to RSVP for the meeting(s) they wish to attend. |