Students at Union Ridge Elementary School check out the
The Ridgefield School District's holiday card, designed by 7th grader Jael Benedick
Collage of the employee and students of the month for December 2021
Giving Tree
Student led conferences notebook cover
Bond Pro and Con Committee
5th grade teacher Jericho Kaylor helps students with a writing project
Collage of the employee and students of the month for November 2021
Design mockup of the proposed K-4 school that would be built if voters approve Ridgefield's school construction bond
5th Annual Turkey Trot
Public Notice AP World History Adoption
Community Service Seal
Trunk or Treat event
Bullying Prevention Pledge sign
Collage of posters from Radium Girls
The kindness tree at South Ridge Elementary
Collage of the employee and students of the month for October 2021
Community Education registrants try out the new indoor pickleball courts at the Ridgefield Administrative and Civic Center
View Ridge Golf team member Brody Newcombe concentrates as he prepares his shot
Students in Ellen Ferrin’s second grade class at Union Ridge Elementary arrive to school masked and ready to learn