School Bond Town Hall
Winter Break Hours
Educational Effectiveness Survey Results logo
Superintendent Timeline Graphic
kids smiling and pointing at a sign about referrals for the highly capable program
Jake Bredstrand is director of District 5
Healthy Youth Survey Logo
Person holding a magnifying glass searching for a superintendent
Bill and Susan Yaddof
Dr. Nathan McCann
RFRC Extended Hours
School supply lists for 2023-24
The wetlands wildlife habitat on the View Ridge and Sunset Ridge campus will be protected and studied by students next year thanks to a generous Washington state grant
Matching grant for Community Education
Macaela Williams
Else Urias, 6th Grade at Sunset Ridge Intermediate School
Joshua Neil, 6th Grade
Ridgefield Youth Arts Month logo
3-hour late start of Friday Feb. 24th
Annual notice referrals for highly capable program