District launches Homework Help evening support starting today. https://tinyurl.com/y53f5kma #RidgefieldResilient
almost 4 years ago, RSD
Homework help icon
At the Ridgefield Early Learning Center, teacher Audra Jensen (Mrs. AJ) conducts virtual learning with Special Education children in developmental preschool. #RidgefieldResilient
almost 4 years ago, RSD
Audra Jensen teaches developmental preschool online
Audra Jensen teaches developmental preschool online
Kids Yoga, hosted by MK Elevate, is being offered Wed mornings 8-8:45 (for Grades K-4) via Zoom Sept 23-Oct 28. Introduce your kids to yoga with this fun class! Register at ridge.revtrak.net/rw-community-education/ or email terri.cochran@ridgefieldsd.org #RidgefieldResilient
almost 4 years ago, RSD
Kids Yoga flyer
Help your child stay on track while learning at home. #RidgefieldResilient
almost 4 years ago, RSD
Stay on track graphic for remote learning
Good Monday morning and Happy Labor Day! Enjoy the holiday and make it a great week. #MotivationalMonday #RidgefieldResilient
almost 4 years ago, RSD
Labor Day graphic
Winners of Imagine Learning Summer Challenge to be announced on Monday Sept 14. https://tinyurl.com/y3nu4776 #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Summer Challenge graphic
Here are ways you can support your students as they learn remotely from home. #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Support for remote learning graphic
N. Main Avenue between Mill and Simons streets will be closed tomorrow (9/3) from 7am-6pm due to construction work. https://tinyurl.com/y2qt4kbk #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Road closure icon
Watch KGW’s coverage of remote learning at South Ridge and the Thank You's their teachers received from parents and staff. The story aired yesterday afternoon. https://youtu.be/8rbPYe_JuBo #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Thank You's for South Ridge teachers
Yard signs for South Ridge teachers
Dedicated workspaces at home support student learning. #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Student workspace graphic
Read Superintendent Nathan McCann's September 1, 2020 update to families. https://tinyurl.com/y6ar9pzh #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Community update logo
Starting today, breakfast and lunch meals picked up at Ridgefield School District are FREE to all children ages 0-18. https://tinyurl.com/y2fs8bd3 #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Food Service graphic
Special hours at the Ridgefield Family Resource Center next week (Sept 7-11). https://tinyurl.com/y5jmbn5r #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Google Calendar helps students manage their school work. #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Google Calendar graphic
Good Monday morning! Here's a quote to start off the week. Make it a great one! #MotivationalMonday #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Quote from Joseph Campbell
As the first day of school approaches, remember to get back into the routine! #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Back to School Campaign - Get back into the routine graphic
Here’s a fun art project for artists of all ages! Paint a colorful No-Prob-Llama on canvas using a cool art kit with online instructions from Three & Me. Register through Ridgefield Community Education at ridge.revtrak.net and order your art kit today! #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Llama Canvas flyer
Yard signs recognize Ridgefield teachers. https://tinyurl.com/y32cl64x #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Yard signs thank South Ridge Elementary School teachers
Congratulations to our 2020 Exemplary Service Award honorees! https://tinyurl.com/y5y4k7nk #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Austin Biel, 2020 Certificated Exemplary Service Award Recipient
Kody Eastham, 2020 Classified Exemplary Service Award Recipient
The" Lunch Superheroes Team" from Chartwells Food Services, recipients of 2020 Partner Exemplary Service Award
Here is the district's plan for school meals distribution for Fall 2020. https://tinyurl.com/y3pgxqgq #RidgefieldResilient
about 4 years ago, RSD
Food Services clip art